About Me
Geologist and geomodeler with 47+ years industry experience in both clastic and carbonate reservoirs in domestic and international locations. Advanced Petrel geomodeler (21 years), deep understanding of data management and data QC/QA. Experience with EOR (waterflood, CO2, and thermal), fractured reservoir characterization, fundamental petrophysics, and extensive technical leadership and training experience. Currently consulting, and can provide expertise in geology, geomodeling, EOR, reservoir engineering, petrophysics, and geophysics.
- Reservoir Modelling
- Reservoir Characterization
- Horizontal Wells
- Volumetric
- Reserves
- Stratigraphy
- Log Interpretation
- Seismic Interpretation
- Prospect Generation and Evaluation
- Geostatistics
- Data Analysis
- Asset Evaluation
- Well Log Analysis
- 3D Geocellular Modelling
- Geological modeling
- Report writing
- Reservoir Management
- Petrel
- Delaware
- Green River
- Permian
- Williston Basin (Bakken)
- Arabian
- Persian Gulf
- Llanos
- Maracaibo Basin
- Neuquen
- San Jorge Basin
- Sumatra
- Kutei
- Santa Maria
- South Sumatra
- Permian (Wolfcamp)
- San Joaquin
- Williston Basin (Three Forks)
- Middle Magdalena
- Mahakam Delta
- DJ (Denver-Julesburg)
projects completed:0
hours worked:0
MEMBER SINCE:01-Sep-2022
COUNTRY:United States