No active payment methods
Please select default payment option which will be used to pay for the work. You only pay for invoices submitted by consultants when work is done.
Registering an account
In order to register an account, you will need to click on go by this link and fill out your profile details. After that, an email confirmation will be sent to activate the account.
Registering an account
In order to register an account, you will need to click on go by this link and fill out your profile details. After that, an email confirmation will be sent to activate the account.
Registering an account
In order to register an account, you will need to click on go by this link and fill out your profile details. After that, an email confirmation will be sent to activate the account.
Registering an account
In order to register an account, you will need to click on go by this link and fill out your profile details. After that, an email confirmation will be sent to activate the account.
How to create new project
You can create a project and fill out details about the project, including required skills, basins and discipline. You can also limit the applicants to specific countries or hide the project from public view entirely; invite providers to bid for your project after it has been posted; attach files related to your project.
Working with milestones
You can divide your project into smaller pieces for tracking purposes or to pay based on delivery. Milestones can be determined when you first create the project or added later. You can also change milestones during the negotiation phase of your project to fit consultants' needs; alternatively, you can also ask potential providers to create milestones for your project. You can change milestones when the project is active if both parties agree.
Fixed budget vs hourly projects
There are two types of projects you can post: hourly-based or fixed-budget.
How to find experts
You can wait while interested experts apply for your posted project; or, you can browse through the pool of experts yourself and select those that fit your requirements. Once you’ve selected your target candidates, you can send them an invite so they will be notified to look at and apply to your project.
Hiring expert
After you have identified the expert that you would like to award the project to, you can then agree on milestones (if any) and send the offer to the expert. Upon the expert’s acceptance of the offer, the project moves to a running phase.
How to find a project
You can browse public projects and apply for ones that fit your background. Alternatively, you may be contacted by the client directly to apply. Some projects are set up as private jobs by the client, in which case they are not viewable through browsing and can be applied for by invitation only. Thus, even if you do not see projects available in a public search, there may still be private projects matching your skillset available. When you find the project you are interested in, you can apply for it. Thereafter, the negotiation process will start, allowing you to exchange messages with the client.
Working with milestones
Milestones are used to divide a larger-scale project into smaller, more manageable pieces which may make it easier for you and the client to track progress. They are also used to invoice the project and are especially useful for fixed-budget projects . Milestones allow you to get paid by smaller chunks throughout the duration, instead of one larger payment upfront or at the end. You also have ability to provide your own milestones during negotiation phase to better fit your work schedule. Please note that both you and your client must agree on the terms and milestones before accepting the offer.
Fixed budget vs hourly projects
There are two types of projects you can apply for: hourly-based or fixed-budget.
Communication with Clients
We have a built-in messaging system as well as email notifications. It is permissible to use private emails for communication during the execution phase, but we strongly encourage consultants and clients to use our platform as a primary means of communication (especially in the beginning). That way, if a dispute occurs, we will have access to relevant information in order to arbitrate the matter.
As milestones are executed according to the agreed upon schedule, consultants will send their invoices to you. You will need to approve and pay these invoices according to selected payment method.
You can change or add new milestones during the execution phase. You can not change milestones which have posted invoices.
Closing project
You can close your project at anytime unless there are pending invoices. When you close the project, you will be asked to specify the reason. Then, you can leave feedback for the consultant.
Communication with Experts
We have a built-in messaging system as well as email notifications. It is permissible to use private emails for communication during the execution phase, but we strongly encourage consultants and clients to use our platform as a primary means of communication (especially in the beginning). That way, if a dispute occurs, we will have access to relevant information in order to arbitrate the matter.
You can bill a client according to the agreed upon schedule using invoices. Depending on whether it is a fixed-price or hourly project, you can specify rate and hours worked or lump sum.
Communication with Clients
We have a built-in messaging system as well as email notifications. It is permissible to use private emails for communication during the execution phase, but we strongly encourage consultants and clients to use our platform as a primary means of communication (especially in the beginning). That way, if a dispute occurs, we will have access to relevant information in order to arbitrate the matter.
When registering a profile, there are two main options: individual provider and integrated projects. The individual profile is intended for independent consultants who can specify their discipline and sub-discipline, if applicable. Another option is the integrated projects profile, which suits groups of experts (ex. consulting companies). This type of profile will allow you to select several disciplines.
When registering a profile, there are two main options: individual provider and integrated projects. The individual profile is intended for independent consultants who can specify their discipline and sub-discipline, if applicable. Another option is the integrated projects profile, which suits groups of experts (ex. consulting companies). This type of profile will allow you to select several disciplines.
How to pay
Several forms of payment methods can be used to compensate your consultant. Simply specify your desired method before posting your first project. Payment methods are filled out in financial section of the user's menu. Accepted payment methods: Credit/Debit Card PayPal Direct deposit (for US clients only) Wire transfer *See "Fee" section for the cost of each method.
Time to settle transactions
Normally, we pay providers same week as payment is received from clients. The total time between a payment and when the consultant receives their money depends on the method of payments selected by both parties. If suspicious activity is detected, PetroCubic holds the right to investigate the matter before releasing payment.
How to get paid
There are several methods available for receiving payment. Please specify the details of your preferred payout method in the financial section of your user’s menu. Accepted methods are: PayPal Direct Deposit (US only) Wire transfer *See "Fees" section for the cost of each method.
Time to settle transactions
Normally, we pay providers same week as payment is received from clients. The total time between a payment and when the consultant receives their money depends on the method of payments selected by both parties. If suspicious activity is detected, PetroCubic holds the right to investigate the matter before releasing payment.
Fees information
We do not charge fees for registering or posting projects. Basic account type is available for free without any subscription fees. We can may add other account types in the future with additional features for clients who need them. Our intention is to keep all users equal without any advantages or restrictions regardless of account type. The only fees payable by clients (project owners) are based on the costs incurred by PetroCubic to facilitate financial transactions: Credit / Debit Cards - 3-4% fee PayPal - reference to PayPal for information Direct Deposits - free Wire transfers - free (you pay directly to financial institution for this transaction)
Fees information
We do not charge fees for registering an account. Basic account type is available for free without any subscription fees. We may add other account types in the future with additional features for clients who need them. Our approach is to keep all users equal without any advantages or restrictions regardless of account type. PetroCubic charges consultants a 10% fee from the invoice sum. For large or integrated projects contact us for individual rate. Financial transactions fee: PayPal - reference to PayPal for information Direct Deposits (US only) - free
Disputes with consultants
We expect professionalism for from all platform users and reserve the right to close a user’s account as a result of some inappropriate behavior on repeat occasions. With that said, we strongly believe that difficulties are better resolved without the involvement of third parties. In cases in which you cannot resolve the issue with your consultant, please contact us. so we can get involved and provide arbitrage. We will charge a 50 USD fee for each case.
Disputes or errors with PetroCubic
If you experience any issues while using our platform, please contact us.
Disputes with clients
We expect professionalism for from all platform users and reserve the right to close a user’s account as a result of some inappropriate behavior on repeat occasions. With that said, we strongly believe that difficulties are better resolved without the involvement of third parties. In cases in which you cannot resolve the issue with your client, please contact us. so we can get involved and provide arbitrage. We will charge a 50 USD fee for each case.
Disputes or errors with PetroCubic
If you experience any issues while using our platform, please contact us.